Once you get conditional formatting down, people will definitely start thinking of you as the local Excel Guru. It's a powerful, yet simple, concept. The concept is this: if the value in a cell meets a certain condition, it should be formatted differently than cells that don't meet the condition that you have defined. You can do conditional formatting very simply, or you can add layers of complexity to it. Today, I will show you the simplest way to do conditional formatting. Select the data (you can use shift-ctrl-arrow down or over to select) that you would like to apply the conditional formatting to, and then hit Format-->Conditional Formatting
It will bring up this box. Click on each pull down and choose your conditions. For today's subject, leave the first box as Cell Value is. The other option is "Formula is." That option is more complex, but more powerful, and will be covered later.
Now, define your conditions. Say that you have a series of numbers, and you want all numbers that are greater than or equal to $100,000 to look like this: $120,653 so that your attention is drawn to all of those numbers. Choose "greater than or equal to" from the drop down box, and then type 100,000 in the box next to that. Now, click the format button, and define the format that you want to see. Click on the FONT tab, and then choose Bold Italic.
You're done.
If you want to get fancy, click the button that says "Add>>". You can have up to three conditions. Do something like this:
You get a result like this:
And, if you change the values in cells so that they meet different conditions, the formatting will change, too.
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