Saturday, May 19, 2007


Concatenate is a big word and a handy function!

It means to link together like a chain. And, that is exactly what you will do with this handy formula.

Click on your formula bar.

Type in the formula. You can combine your own text, like I did with the "/" and you can use values in your spreadsheet, like I did with the A2, B2, and C2.


A few hints: if you use text and you need spaces, include those spaces between the quotation marks.

If you are building a date using concatenate, although it will look like a date, Excel thinks it's just a text field. Using format cells to change the format to a date still won't make Excel think it's a date. You'll have to change the formula to look like this:
And, then change the format to make it look like a date. Now concatenate is a handy function, but Datevalue is even better. It's a guru function. Keep that one in your back pocket.


Anonymous said...

This is a rather circuitous process to create a date. There is a date function for this:

=DATE(C2, A2, B2)

Anonymous said...

but lets say
A1 Day = 20 in blue color bold
A2 Month = 05 in red italic
A3 Year = 2008 in green underline

can you concatenate keeping the format ?